Yes, you can enjoy holiday pie and get your CBDa, too! Our Chemistry Manager put together this recipe for homemade whipped cream with our Drink Additive, and it’s as tasty and as sciency as you would imagine. Try it yourself, and enjoy your holiday!
1 cup of heavy whipping cream
1/4 cup of granulated sugar
1/4 teaspoon of vanilla extract
0.5-1mL of Planetarie Drink Additive
Add all ingredients to a large mixing bowl and begin to mix (with a whisk attachment or whisk) at medium-high. You will whisk until you can turn the whisk upside down and the whipped cream retains its structure. Look for progress by seeing the whisk leaving marks in the whipped cream while on. Do not overmix, as it will become grainy as it starts to form butter.
Try this whipped cream atop a warm drink or on your favorite seasonal pie.