Shop CBDa

The Water Way.

We can extract CBDa because we don’t use heat.


The second is ethanol, a flammable and potentially harmful chemical, which can accumulate in your body and diminishes the potency of the cannabinoids and destabilizes the raw benefits of the CBDa, rendering it less effective. Many times CO2 extraction is touted as healthy but it also commonly uses ethanol to recapture lost phytochemicals.


Until now, there have been two main processing methods for CBD. The first is CO2, which is a combination of heat (which decarboxylates the CBDa in the plant, diminishing its potency and efficacy) and high pressure (which damages the bioassay -- or “life force” activity -- of the cannabinoids).

The Planetarie Way.

Raw form icon
Preserves RAW form
Extracts rare cannabinoids icon
Extracts rare cannabinoids such as CBGa, CBCa, and CBDVa
Non-destructive for plant ingredients icon
Non-destructive for plant ingredients.
Environment firendly process icon
Environment friendly process.
No additives icon
No Additives
No harsh chemicals icon
No Harsh Chemicals
cbda icon

RAW, potent CBDa,closer to the plant.

The Old way.

raw icon
Loses RAW form
destructive icon
Destructive for plant
waste icon
Creates waste products
chemicall icon
Harsh chemicals used
cbd icon

Traditional processed CBD, includes harsh chemicals.

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